En ovanligt vanlig dag, även om jag inte riktigt tror att
det här är den allmänna uppfattningen om vad bönder gör. Efter en snabb koll
hos kycklingarna sitter jag åter vid skrivbordet. Jag påstår inte att det
ärende jag idag håller på med görs varje dag, men oj så mycket pappersexercis som
måste göras när man driver ett lantbruksföretag. Ibland, eller ganska ofta, kan
jag tycka att hälften vore nog. Och ännu oftare kan jag tycka att om vi kunde
ägna mer tid till produktionen, och att genomföra förbättrande förändringar, än
att skriva om att de är tänkta att göras, så skulle alla tjäna på det. Företag
idag, inte bara lantbruksföretag, ägnar enormt mycket tid åt att vända papper.
Och idag skriver jag samrådsunderlag, inför ett
ändringstillstånd. En fullständigt onödig handling, som inte skulle ha behövts
göras om jag vetat det jag vet idag. Men när tillståndet söktes för utrökning
av produktionen rekommenderade Länsstyrelsen samtliga utom ett företag som fått
villkor att förvara gödseln i hus (har ni hört så dumt, hus till gödsel!) att
avvakta Miljödomstolens beslut. Så ett företag överklagar, får rätt i
miljödomstol, och andra företag ska då mer eller mindre per automatik få
villkorsändring. Eller inte, miljödelegationen tycker inte som Länsstyrelsen,
utan ett ändringstillstånd måste sökas, med ny ansökan, ny MKB
(Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning). Tur att jag både kan och tycker det är hyfsat
roligt att plita ihop en MKB. Fast fortfarande, det är ruskigt onödigt.
Sensmoralen: gör inte som Länsstyrelsen föreslår, kontrollera med juridiken,
det är ändå det som gäller i sista hand.
Nu skulle ni se mitt skrivbord, det är papper högt och lågt.
Efter myndighetssamrådet idag måste jag åter strukturera upp ordningen, som
faktiskt var riktigt bra innan jag började med projekt samråd.
I helgen väntar vallhundstävling med Lizzie, det ska bli
skoj! Efter fyra dagar med åtta andra vallhundstanter i minibuss, borde jag väl
vara trött på hundprat, men nej, det känns som om det finns mer att säga. J
Igår kväll tog jag en kort runda, jag tänkte nog springa
längre, men oj vad det var mörkt uppe i skogen. Jag sprang på en skogsväg, och
jag hade ficklampa med mig, ändå var det ganska svårsprunget. Dumt, för det
finns ett elljusspår i närheten, jag kunde ju ha hållit mig där. Annars är det
skönt att springa nu, det är lagom varmt i luften, även om man springer på
dagen. Det är otroligt vilken fantasi man har i mörker, jag såg vilda svin och arga älgar i varenda buske, fast hellre det än den orm som nästan bet mig i rumpan, när jag hade tagit en kisspaus i en skogsdunge. Den ormen var arg, jag lovar! Innan jag drog ner byxorna, hade jag noga kontrollerat, att ingen människa kom, jag inser att mitt fokus var helt galet! Jag försökte ta en bild på ormen, men de tydliga signaler som hela ormen gav, gjorde att jag inte våga luta mig så långt fram att man kan se den på bild. Den var jättearg!
Min coach kommer förresten snart hänga mig, doppa mig i olja och rulla mig i
fjädrar (dessa borde väl i och för sig jag kunna tillhandahålla) eftersom jag
har fått ett träningsprogram som jag fortfarande inte prövat!
Jag ska, jag ska….
An unusually normal day , although I do not really think this is the general perception of what farmers do. After a quick check of the chickens I sit back at my desk . I do not claim that the case I currently doing is done every day, but oh so much paperwork that must be done when you run a farming business . Sometimes , or quite often , I find that half would be enough. And even more often , I think that if we could devote more time to the production , and to implement improvement changes , than to write about that they are supposed to be done , we would all benefit. Companies today , not just agricultural businesses , spend an enormous amount of time to turn the paper .
And today I am writing consultation, before a change condition. A completely unnecessary action, which would not have been needed done if I'd known what I know today. But when the state sought to expand production recommended Länsstyrelsen all but one company with conditions to keep the manure in house ( have you heard so stupid, houses for fertilizer !) To await the Environment Court . As a company complaining, get the right environmental court , and other companies will then more or less automatically get a change in conditions . Or not , Environment Subcommittee do not think that the County Board , without an amendment permission must be sought , with new applications , new EIA ( Environmental Impact Assessment ) . Luckily I can and think it's pretty fun to jot together an EIA . Though still, it's terrible unnecessary. Moral : do not like the County Board proposes , check with the law , it is nevertheless the case that in the final analysis .
Now, would you see my desk, it's paper high and low. After the official consultation today I must re structuring scheme , which was actually really good before I started with project consultation .
This weekend waiting herding competition with Lizzie, it will be fun ! After four days with eight other herding ladies in the minibus , I suppose I should be tired of dog talk, but no, it feels like there is more to say. J
Last night I took a short round, I thought probably run longer, but oh how it was dark up there in the woods. I ran on a forest road , and I had the flashlight with me, anyway , it was quite difficult sprung . Stupid , because there is a lighted trails nearby, I could have kept me there. Otherwise, it's nice to run now, it's just warm enough in the air, even if it runs on the day. It's amazing what imagination you have in the darkness, I saw wild pigs and angry moose in every bush , though it's better than the snake that almost bit me in the butt when I had taken a pee break in a grove of trees . The snake was angry, I promise! Before I pulled down my pants , I had carefully checked that no man came , I realize that my focus was totally crazy ! I tried to take a picture of the snake , but the clear signals that the serpent gave , was that I did not dare to lean so far forward that you can see it on the picture . It was really angry !
My coach will anyway soon hang me , dip me in oil and roll me in feathers ( these ought in itself, I can provide ) because I 've got an exercise program that I still have not tried !
I will, I will ....
An unusually normal day , although I do not really think this is the general perception of what farmers do. After a quick check of the chickens I sit back at my desk . I do not claim that the case I currently doing is done every day, but oh so much paperwork that must be done when you run a farming business . Sometimes , or quite often , I find that half would be enough. And even more often , I think that if we could devote more time to the production , and to implement improvement changes , than to write about that they are supposed to be done , we would all benefit. Companies today , not just agricultural businesses , spend an enormous amount of time to turn the paper .
And today I am writing consultation, before a change condition. A completely unnecessary action, which would not have been needed done if I'd known what I know today. But when the state sought to expand production recommended Länsstyrelsen all but one company with conditions to keep the manure in house ( have you heard so stupid, houses for fertilizer !) To await the Environment Court . As a company complaining, get the right environmental court , and other companies will then more or less automatically get a change in conditions . Or not , Environment Subcommittee do not think that the County Board , without an amendment permission must be sought , with new applications , new EIA ( Environmental Impact Assessment ) . Luckily I can and think it's pretty fun to jot together an EIA . Though still, it's terrible unnecessary. Moral : do not like the County Board proposes , check with the law , it is nevertheless the case that in the final analysis .
Now, would you see my desk, it's paper high and low. After the official consultation today I must re structuring scheme , which was actually really good before I started with project consultation .
This weekend waiting herding competition with Lizzie, it will be fun ! After four days with eight other herding ladies in the minibus , I suppose I should be tired of dog talk, but no, it feels like there is more to say. J
Last night I took a short round, I thought probably run longer, but oh how it was dark up there in the woods. I ran on a forest road , and I had the flashlight with me, anyway , it was quite difficult sprung . Stupid , because there is a lighted trails nearby, I could have kept me there. Otherwise, it's nice to run now, it's just warm enough in the air, even if it runs on the day. It's amazing what imagination you have in the darkness, I saw wild pigs and angry moose in every bush , though it's better than the snake that almost bit me in the butt when I had taken a pee break in a grove of trees . The snake was angry, I promise! Before I pulled down my pants , I had carefully checked that no man came , I realize that my focus was totally crazy ! I tried to take a picture of the snake , but the clear signals that the serpent gave , was that I did not dare to lean so far forward that you can see it on the picture . It was really angry !
My coach will anyway soon hang me , dip me in oil and roll me in feathers ( these ought in itself, I can provide ) because I 've got an exercise program that I still have not tried !
I will, I will ....
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